About Us

X Factory is New York City’s premiere urban dance training program, founded in 2010 by creative director, Kelly Peters. Kelly has devoted his 30 year career to both preserving and teaching the true culture of hip hop to the world's next generation of dancers. The program trains in all urban dance styles, including breaking, popping, house, and locking, and also incorporates today’s cutting edge choreography.

Dancers who have trained at X Factory are widely recognized to be well rounded, well trained in foundational hip hop, and prepared to work as professionals in the industry. Our students have performed with artists such as Beyonce, Madonna, Flo Rida, Lady Gaga, Pharrell Williams, and Miley Cyrus.

Currently, the training program and rehearsals for the crew program are held at Nola Studios at 244 W 54th, between 8th Ave and Broadway on the 11th floor. For more information, please contact us by email.